Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Leaving tomorrow!!

I managed to cram in a 30 minute swim and 30 minute run today. I refuse to jinx anything by saying I felt great......um, however, I did feel great, so I am kinda excited about that!

Need to finish packing, the amount of items i'm bringing is rediculous: everything from a small pharmacy, multiple workout outfits (can't decide what I want to wear), pedals for my bike (they make you take them off when you ship), bike maintenance tools, water bottles, Shot Bloks and several containers of Carbo Pro (what I put in gatorade to add calories). Triathlon traveling is definitely heinous =0.

Thank you guys so much for all of your emails/posts, i'm really excited to see how this all goes!

Need to scoot here!!! Thanks for reading!

1 comment:

senorscrappy said...

Hey Meredith. Have a great race. Amanda has your suits if you didn't already know. Ira