Monday, December 24, 2007

Merry Christmas!!

I kicked off my christmas eve by cycling a little over 2 hours with a friend of mine was gorgeous about, low 70's maybe. Not exactly my kind of Christmas Eve, but at least I took advantage of the gorgeous weather. It's just still strange for me, all those years spending Christmas in Vermont with the temperature hovering around 10 degree's and my dad making us ski from 8-4 no excuses, no matter how cold! Christmas to me includes cold weather, sweaters and snow. Cycling next to the Pacific Ocean, I shouldn't complain, the sun was shining on the water, it was a gorgeous day.

That said, i'm super looking forward to Dave and I's flight tomorrow to Denver to visit my family! We'll be out there until Sunday.....My workouts for the week include:

Thursday: Skiing all day =0
Friday: a morning run....WITH, my COACH! Amanda invited me along on a run with her and her friends. I'm a little nervous because I don't run anywhere in the same vicinity as her or her peeps, but it was so cool she suggested I join them---and...maybe they'll show me a little mercy! I'm bringing Dave for protection if I lag behind, he'll make sure I end up where i'm supposed to. It should be fun! We're bringing warm clothes.

Not sure if i'll do anything else the rest of the week, it's hard for me to spend time with my family as it, i'm just going to enjoy it!

Merry Christmas!!!

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